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Re: [Full-disclosure] telco service?

Deigo Dude wrote:

Continuing on the thread of telco's (even though its off topic)

I think it actually falls in a safe zone under the list charter. In general though I feel that the security of our nations telco infrastructure should certainly be talked about. After the deregulation of the industry I feel that some of these companies need to be held accountable for their equipment. They are currently in the position that they can simply pull wool over any anyones eyes that inquires about their security. 'These aren't the droids you're looking for".

If you get too close to finding something out they try to burry you in legal jargon and mumbo jumbo instead of addressing the problems at hand. It is really quite pathetic.

Every try to talk to your local police about the potential that someone may have taken control of your towns DMS100... try it sometime. Have an even funner time if you live out in the middle of B.F.E.

Ever try to talk to the FTC about a telco issue? FBI? DHS? Its not a fun task... especially when folks either A have no clue what you are speaking of or B simply don't care.

These telcos act like the internet and computers have nothing to do with the security of their network... I think its bull shit.

I used to have access to https://lens.bellsouth.com (Local exchange navigation system) so you all im sure would also have fun if you can gain access to that. You can look up full information for non-published numbers, make reservations of new numbers, make service orders, change phone service, pretty much anything a bellsouth employee would need to do at any point.

I am sure you and several others have had access to that sort of thing over time. That is exactly part of the problem. NO standards and no one to really regulate them.

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