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RE: A Nasty Security Bug that affect PGP Virtual Disks & PGP SDA , PGP 8.x & 9.x and Truecrypt.

Firstly, we appricate truecrypt team comments but on the other hand we do not 
agree on some.

--Adonis Comment--
I do not agree with some of truecrypt comments specially the quoted text below.

What if you had  created a virtual disk  and give that to  someone. That someone
use it as his/her own disk and  decided to change the password because they  own
the disk  now (You  give them  to them  with the  pass). So  they did change the
passowrd, but the originator  can still access that  disk if he/she replace  the
passphrase  bytes in  the binary  file. So  I consider  this an  attack on  data
INTEGRITY and  data AVAILABILITY since the legitimate user will be denied access
to the disk after replacing the passphrase bytes.

-- End Comment--

"In conclusion, this is not a "security bug", but design/feature. Also,
to exploit the design, the adversary would have to know your password
first (or have your keyfiles). That means, for example, that he would
capture it using a keystroke logger. If that was the case, then all
security would be practically lost on that machine."
