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[port139ml:02353] md5deep

Port139 伊原です。ネタ元は Linux Forensics


・Recursive operation - md5deep is able to recursive examine an entire
directory tree. That is, compute the MD5 for every file in a directory
andf for every file in every subdirectory. 
・Time estimation - md5deep can produce a time estimate when it's
processing very large files. 
・Comparison mode - md5deep can accept a list of known hashes and
compare them to a set of input files. The program will only display
those input files that match the list of known hashes. 

Port139 セミナー 大阪会場(3月14日)参加者募集中!
Hideaki Ihara <hideaki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Port139 URL: http://www.port139.co.jp/
PGP PUBLIC KEY: http://www.port139.co.jp/pgp/