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[Full-disclosure] MySQL < 4.0.12 && MySQL <= 5.0.4 : Insecure tmp file handling

MySQL mysql_install_db data manipulation
vendor: http://www.mysql.com
advisory: http://www.zataz.net/adviso/mysql-05172005.txt
vendor informed: yes exploit available:no


MySQL contain a security flaw how could
allow a malicious local attacker to inject arbitrary SQL commands
during database creation process.

For exemple : A malicious local attacker could create an mysql account
accessible from local (or everywhere) with ALL privileges on all databases;


MySQL < 4.0.12
MySQL <= 5.0.4


For MySQL 4.0.x update to the new version 4.0.12
MySQL 5.0.4 still vulnerable.


discovered : 2005-05-07
vendor notified : 2005-05-09
vendor response : 2005-05-09
vendor fix :  2005-05-17
disclosure : 2005-05-17

Technical details :


Then on :

226 echo "use mysql;" > $tmp_file
227 cat $tmp_file $fill_help_tables | eval "$mysqld_install_cmd_line"
228 res=$?
229 rm $tmp_file

Credits :

Eric Romang (eromang@xxxxxxxxx - ZATAZ)
Thxs to Gentoo Security Team. (Taviso, Sune, jaervosz, etc.)

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