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Re: [Full-disclosure] RE: Invitation to www.banneretcs.com Hacking Contest

On Wed, 11 May 2005 09:09:36 +1000, Luke Skywalker said:

> Starting May 2nd and going until June 8th, the server located at
> www.banneretcs.com will welcome hackers to attack it. If you can
> deface the web site or capture the "hidden" document, you win an X-box!

OK, who's got a 0-day they're willing to blow to get an X-box, when
using the 0-day they can make enough money to buy an X-box and several dozen
games and all the add-ons? ;)

> So, welcome to the contest! Hack away.  If the IIS server goes unhacked
> during the extended time period, it might not mean that IIS is
> "unhackable", but if it does survive the contest it might convince a few
> people that it is a relatively secure web server platform. After all,

No, it only proves that it's secure against hackers who can't sell their
skills for more than the US$149 (or whatever it is now) that an X-box costs.

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