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Re: [Full-disclosure] strange stuff in apache logs

bad nic, network cable, or router? strange packets come up when that's going 
on, which leads to wierd requests such as that...

On Tuesday 10 May 2005 22:31, Julio Cesar Ody sat at a computer terminal and 
banged out madly:
> I found some strange stuff on my apache logs. Wanted to know if any of
> you guys has any idea of what it is:
> (this is weird)
> - - [13/Apr/2005:10:34:00 +1000] "\x1b[A" 501 214 "-" "-"
> (and this comes from my internal network)
> - - [09/May/2005:15:36:13 +1000] "\x03" 501 212 "-" "-"
> Any ideas?

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