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Re: [Full-disclosure] sendmail exploit

On Tue, 10 May 2005 14:50:21 PDT, migalo digalo said:

> have ,and  nessus show me same 'Critical' vulnerabilities:
> sendmail 8.8 
> (http://www.iss.net/issEn/delivery/xforce/alertdetail.jsp?oid=21950)

Hint: First figure out why Nessus claimed it saw a Sendmail 8.8 - because
that's well and truly crufty.  8.8.0 came out 1996/09/26, and 8.8.8 (the last
8.8) was 1997/10/24.

If you're really running an 8.8, most likely it isn't working because your
canned exploit only has offsets for releases people are actually likely to be
running (like 8.11.X and 8.12.(Y<8).)

Of course, if you're still running 8.8, there's about 3 zillion OTHER issues
you  could exploit instead....

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