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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Nokia 3560 Remote DOS

You can get updates for money.
Here in germany you pay about 20 Euro for updating firmware, but like old bugs told us, Nokia doesn't really care about there mistakes.

Regards, Milan

Kane Lightowler wrote:
Even if Nokia does find this out first there is not to much they can do.

They can create a fix for a new firmware edition that will ship in new models but most models that are out in the public already will never get a firmware update.

Regards, Kane

-----Original Message-----
From: full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 1:43 PM
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Full-Disclosure] Nokia 3560 Remote DOS

Hello list,

I have found a vulnerability with Nokia's 3560 cellular phone, in which anyone may remotely crash the phone's OS, requiring the user to disconnect the battery to restore normal functionality. The attack only requires sending the person a specially crafted text message. This can be done very easily via e-mail or from any capable cell phone.

I have only tested this on the 3560, but other models may be vulnerable as well.

During the attack, the phone does not emit a "new message" tone, and the message does not get stored in phone after rebooting. Victims have no way of knowing that they have been attacked.

I know this is FD and all, but due to the seriousness of this attack, I would like to notify Nokia before posting full details.

Does anyone know of a security contact at Nokia?


-- Milan 't4c' Berger Network & Security Administrator 21073 Hamburg

gpg: http://www.ghcif.de/keys/t4c.asc

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