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RE: [Full-Disclosure] Presidential Candidates' Websites Vulnerable

If we're getting into a discussion of vulns/security issues with the e-voting, 
ok. The draft is off topic.  But because people feel the need to intimidate and 
lie to our nations youth (this would be me) I wanted to correct this FUD, as 
it's called.



The last action on the draft bill was 6/21/2004. (for those that don't feel 
like looking)  That's pretty recent!  It was Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] 
withdrawing support for the bill.  The last action before that seems to be.... 
the introduction of the bill.  It's been sitting in committee otherwise. 

Please mail me off list to continue a draft discussion, to share any more 
sources of information or to trash me.  

My apologies for wasting others bandwidth/time for such a thing. I will not do 
so again.

--- "Clairmont, Jan M" <jan.m.clairmont@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



A link to the article about the passed but yet unsigned draft bill.

We may not have election if a terrorist attack occurs.

Problems with electronic voting; FYI

Jan Clairmont
Firewall Administrator/Consultant

-----Original Message-----
From: Harlan Carvey [mailto:keydet89@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 11:26 AM
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Clairmont, Jan M
Subject: RE: [Full-Disclosure] Presidential Candidates' Websites

> If any issue is more important than electronic
> voting I don't
> know what it is.  Congress has approved starting in
> the Spring
> of 2005, the draft, all the way up to 49 years of
> age for special skills.

I'm not clear as to what one issue has to do with the
other.  Those in Congress have already been elected,
so what does electronic voting issues have to do with
the military draft.

Also, could you provide a link to information stating
that Congress will be instituting the draft?  I'm
familiar with the news reports about involuntary
call-ups of IRR troops, but all I've been able to
locate on the draft (different issue entirely) seems
to say that this isn't something to worry about:

So...anything you have that's more definitive would be
greatly appreciated.

> So we here are now in the fire, both security wise
> and on the
> firing line in Iraq and the rest of the world as
> this war continues to rage.  

To which "war" are you referring?

> Since I have 3 sons of draftable age, I am very
> concerned about
> them and the under 49 crowd who may soon be in harms
> way.
> Having gone through Vietnam I do not look forward to
> the 
> future, whether you think war is right of wrong.  So
> how can 
> we secure the integrity of the voting process and
> guarantee the results? 

Again, maybe it's just me, but I'm not seeing the
connection between the supposed draft and the voting



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