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[Full-Disclosure] THCIISSLame exploit


>just wanna point out a small release.
>it's a remote root for the latest IIS 5 SSL pct bug.
>enjoy, johnny cyberpunk/thc

A., Kaspersky AV added detection within two hours, so it is probably 
considered dangerous.

B., Because you provided a ready-made executable version of the root 
exloit for download, you are a VXer criminal. Microsoft has already 
asked the germans to send in GSG-9. When the doorchime rings, first 
place your finger over the peeking hole. If it is not shot away 
immediately, you may open the door.

Owing to the new extradiction treaty between Germany and Saudi 
Arabia, VXers are subject to cruel and harsh punishment. You can 
choose severing the left or the right arm. Recidivists will obviously need 
a voice-controlled computer pretty soon.

Regards, Tamas Feher.

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