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[Full-Disclosure] Core Internet Vulnerable - News at 11:00

Does anyone know WTF they are trying to say in this AP article,
"Core Internet Technology Is Vulnerable,"


It sounds like they are talking about a sequence number guessing
attack on TCP BGP sessions? Sequence number prediction isn't really
a new attack, but the story says,

  "Experts previously maintained such attacks could take between
   four years and 142 years to succeed because they require guessing
   a rotating number from roughly 4 billion possible combinations.
   Watson said he can guess the proper number with as few as four
   attempts, which can be accomplished within seconds."

Hmmm... Four attempts... And the story makes it sound like a 
cross-platform attack, not a bug in a particular OS's ISN generation.
FUD or is there something here?
Crist J. Clark                     |     cjclark@xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                   |     cjclark@xxxxxxx
http://people.freebsd.org/~cjc/    |     cjc@xxxxxxxxxxx

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