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[Full-Disclosure] [SCAN Associates Sdn Bhd Security Advisory] Postnuke v 0.726 and below SQL injection

Products: Postnuke v 0.726 (http://www.postnuke.com)
Date: 15 April 2004
Author:  pokleyzz <pokleyzz_at_scan-associates.net>
URL: http://www.scan-associates.net

Summary: Postnuke v 0.726 and below SQL injection

Postnuke is Web Content Management System written in PHP and using mysql
as database backend.

We have found multiple vulnerabilities in Postnuke v 0.726 as described

SQL Injection in NS-Comments module
There is SQL injection in INSERT statement for variable "sid" in file
modules/NS-Comments/index.php line 1142:

VALUES ($nextid, ".pnVarPrepForStore($pid).", ".pnVarPrepForStore($sid).", now(), '".pnVarPrepForStore($uname)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($email)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($url)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($ip)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($subject)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($comment)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($score)."', 0)");

This will allow Postnuke user with permission to post comment include any
character in their comment and perform XSS attack to steal other user cookies.

SQL Injection in NS-Your_Account module
There is SQL injection in UPDATE statement for variable "timezoneoffset"
in file modules/NS-Your_Account/user/modules/changeinfo.php php line 334
and 354:

$column[timezone_offset]=" . pnVarPrepForStore($timezoneoffset) . "

This will allow Postnuke user to change information for other user account
including Administrator password.

1) modules/NS-Comments/index.php

                         VALUES ($nextid, '".pnVarPrepForStore($pid)."',
'".pnVarPrepForStore($sid)."', now(), '".pnVarPrepForStore($uname)."',
'".pnVarPrepForStore($ip)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($subject)."',
'".pnVarPrepForStore($comment)."', '".pnVarPrepForStore($score)."', 0)");


$column[timezone_offset]='" . pnVarPrepForStore($timezoneoffset) . "'

Proof of concept

Vendor Response
05 February 2004 - security@xxxxxxxxxxxx contacted through email. no response.
07 April 2004 - security@xxxxxxxxxxxx contacted through email. no response.

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