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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Symantec Manhunt ?

>> ManHunt has been tested at up to 2 gigabits per second.

>lol.... well, that's great, but how did it *perform* at 2 Gbps? How many
>packets did it drop, how many alerts did it miss, munge or misinterpret?
>Would you mind sharing the real results?

Actually, I used to do SQA for Symantec's NIDS development team so I'm not
sure I can disclose what their benchmark target release numbers are but I
can tell you they are very strict about their success rate percentages
before release (for dropped packets and alerts)

In your defense, I haven't actually tested it at those speeds myself in the
"real world" yet and as with any IDS I find there is a certain amount of
"tweaking" to eliminate the false positives.  Especially on the anomaly

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