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Re: [Full-Disclosure] Re: Microsoft MCWNDX.OCX ActiveX buffer overflow

Georgi Guninski said:

>So you are collecting 0days for free, put them in a lame database and
>whine more than a script kiddie this is a hard job?

I don't view it that way.

1) CVE is not a vulnerability database, per the FAQ on the CVE web
   site at http://cve.mitre.org/about/faq.html#A7 (though we are not
   blind to the fact that some people try to use it as a database

   The issues that we deal with in CVE have a bit of overlap with
   database maintainers.

2) In the past I have described the "0-day" aspects of CVE candidate
   number assignment, which includes situations in which CANs are
   assigned without MITRE involvement:


3) I have spoken in the past of the challenges in maintaining
   vulnerability databases, e.g. at:


   and in several other cases have commented on accuracy or
   consistency problems in vulnerability reports.

I think of this as sharing information and experiences for those who
may find it useful, as opposed to "whining."

- Steve
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