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RE: [Full-Disclosure] "MS Blast" Win2000 Patch Download

--On Friday, August 15, 2003 10:31:52 AM -0500 Ron DuFresne 
<dufresne@winternet.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, Paul Schmehl wrote:
>> Sure, you can firewall off the dorms from your network, but that doesn't
>> solve the problem of the 50,000 student infecting each other and then
>> calling your support people crying for help.  And it doesn't solve the
>> problem of those same students bringing their infected laptops *on* your
>> network when they walk up from the dorms.
> 	[SNIP]
> Sure it does, if these are the limits imposed upon you, what is your
> concern if these machines infect one another and/or their connectivity
> chokes off at some point due to the congestion of such activity?

If it was anyone else but you posting this, Ron, I would assume it was a 
joke.  But I know better.

Here's the deal.  Students go where they can get high speed internet.  If 
you don't provide it, they'll enroll elsewhere and you'll be selling 
pencils on the street corner.  Strange thing is, students just don't *want* 
high speed Internet, they actually expect to *use* it.  So that means it 
has to work.  Ignoring their problems isn't an option.

Thanks for playing, but you score minus 50 for being terminally obtuse.

Paul Schmehl (pauls@utdallas.edu)
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member
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