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Samba 3.0 DoS Vulberabilities (CAN-2004-0807 & CAN-2004-0808)

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Subject: Samba 3.0.x Denial of Service Flaw

Summary:        (i) A DoS bug in smbd may allow an
                unauthenticated user to cause smbd to
                spawn new processes each one entering
                an infinite loop.  After sending a sufficient
                amount of packets it is possible to exhaust
                the memory resources on the server.

                (ii) A DoS bug in nmbd may allow an attacker
                to remotely crash the nmbd daemon.

Versions:       Defect (i) affects Samba 3.0.x prior to and
                including v3.0.6.

                Defect (ii) affects Samba 3.0.x prior to
                and including v3.0.6.

Availability:   The patch file for Samba 3.0.5 addressing both
                bugs (samba-3.0.5-DoS.patch) can be downloaded

Description - -----------

CAN-2004-0807: A defect in smbd's ASN.1 parsing allows an
attacker to send a specially crafted packet during the
authentication request which will send the newly spawned
smbd process into an infinite loop.  Given enough of these
packets, it is possible to exhaust the available memory
on the server.

CAN-2004-0808: A defect in nmbd's process of mailslot packets
can allow an attacker to anonymously crash nmbd.

Protecting Unpatched Servers - ----------------------------

The Samba Team always encourages users to run the latest stable
release as a defense of against attacks.  However, under certain
circumstances it may not be possible to immediately upgrade
important installations.  In such cases, administrators should
read the "Server Security" documentation found at

Credits - --------

Both security issues were reported to Samba developers by
iDEFENSE (http://www.idefense.com/).  The defect discovery
was anonymously reported to iDEFENSE via their Vulnerability
Contributor Program (http://www.idefense.com/poi/teams/vcp.jsp).

- -- Our Code, Our Bugs, Our Responsibility.

-- The Samba Team

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