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Re: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Php-Nuke 7.1.0

Uhm.. Why does your proof match almost exactly what was posted back on
10 February?


I mean.. even down to the examples.  Come on!


On 17 Aug 2004 12:28:36 -0000, Abu Lafy <off@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Affected software description:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Php-Nuke is popular freeware content management system, written in php by
> Francisco Burzi. This CMS (COntent Management System) is used on many 
> thousands
> websites, because it`s free of charge, easy to install and has broad set of 
> features.
> Homepage: http://phpnuke.org
> Vulnerabilities:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     If we look at Php-Nuke`s history, then we can find many cases reporting 
> the XSS
> in Php-Nuke. Most of them are fixed by now, when we have allready version 
> 7.1.0
> available. Despite this I found two new cases of XSS in Php-Nuke 6.x-7.1.0 , 
> maybe in
> older versions too.
> Exploit:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Let`s look at code from "/modules/News/friend.php" line 84-92 (Php-Nuke 
> 7.1.0):
> function StorySent($title, $fname) {
>     include ("header.php");
>     $title = urldecode($title);
>     $fname = urldecode($fname);
>     OpenTable();
>     echo "<center><font class=\"content\">"._FSTORY." <b>$title</b> 
> "._HASSENT." $fname... "._THANKS."</font></center>";
>     CloseTable();
>     include ("footer.php");
> }
> If we deliver $title or $fname by GET or POST variable, then we have XSS
> conditions here. But Php-Nuke will reject GET and POST requests with 
> &lt;script&gt; tags.
> One way to evade this filter is the using of <img src=foo onload=[code here]>.
> There is better way to exploit the XSS, and it`s the using of partially or 
> fully
> urlencoded ("hexed") script for exploit. And because we have lines
> $title = urldecode($title);
> and
> $fname = urldecode($fname);
> in original code, it will be urldecoded and will work for us, but GET or POST
> filtering can`t recognize the "&lt;script&gt;" pattern.
> Same problem has one more module - "Reviews".
> Proof of concept examples:
> http://f00bar.com/modules.php?name=News&file=friend&op=StorySent&title=%253cscript>alert%2528document.cookie);%253c/script>
> http://f00bar.com/modules.php?name=Reviews&rop=postcomment&title=%253cscript>alert%2528document.cookie);%253c/script>
> ==================
> Abu Lafy

Anthony Petito